Tagged: Design

What is loosely and tightly coupling?

In programming, we have the concept of coupling.  Coupling is the way two or more modules of our application relates to each other. Suppose that we are building a new application.  We can divide our application in tiers. One tier will be our user interface (UI). Another ties is our business...

A case for missing curly braces

Many times as a deadline approach, we cut corners. We think in terms of “the less amount of keys pressed the better,” because we need to finish our code on time. At first, we tend to eliminate the curly braces when defining a block of code, specially in “if” and loop statements. The problem...

How to Install, Configure and Instantiate the Data Access Application Block

The Enterprise Library is one of my favorite third-party reusable software component.  One of the most important library is the Data Access Application Block.  The Data Access Application block simplify how you connect to a database. With this block you can connect to a Sql Server, Oracle, SqlCE databases. Today...

Implementing the Open-Close Principle in C#

The Open-Close Principle The Open-Close Principle states that software entities (classes, object, module, etc.) should be open for extensions, but closed for modifications. So, what does the principle mean to us?  Basically, it says that if you created a class, you do not change the internals of the class (close for modifications) if...

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

How many times you have been tasked to change a class because some functionality is out of date and needs some upgrade? How many times a simple change turns out to be a complicated egg hunt of how a class is working? How many times a small business decision, such...